Employee Posting
Terms And Conditions Are As Follows
There will be two grades for apprenticeship i.e Grade I and Grade II and the candidate may be appointed in any of the grade where the management finds suitable. The decision of the management will be final and binding to the candidate.

1. Stipend
Stipend will be paid depending on ability, sincerity and knowledge of the students.
2. Attendance
The minimum requirement of attendance for appearing in examination will be 240 days. Less than attendance of 240 days will not be eligible for appearing in the examination.
3. Performance
The candidate will have to attend the duties in the shift allotted to them by the management of 8 hrs. During the shift they will pay full attention to learn from their superiors and fellow workers and make themselves capable.
4. Leave & Holidays
The candidates will have to apply in advance for leave if they require leave for personal reasons and will be absent from the duty only when their leave is sanctioned. Unauthorized absence will be considered as indiscipline and management would be at liberty to take action against them for such absence as per company’s rules as applicable from time to time.
5. Assurance
The candidates have to assure the management in advance that they will not damage any company’s property, machinery or raw material and if the company suffers loss due to their negligence, the management shall be entitled to recover the loss from them either in full or part and they have to assure to give highest priority to the safety of themselves as well as of their fellow workers and to company’s property. They have to be fully aware that unsafe working will warrant harsh disciplinary action without any notice.
6. Action
The candidates will have to be fully attentive and obey all the instructions given by their superiors and prove that they have joined our organization for learning and earning and build their future in our company. The management will not like to find them being negligent like sleeping or indulging in any activities during the shift hours or any thefts or indulging in any activities of union or violating the instructions given by their superiors. If they are found involved in any such activities then they shall be liable for disciplinary action by the management including removal from apprenticeship / employment and for this management decision will be final and binding. The candidates will have to fully respect the discipline of the company.
7. Examination
As per the program there will be examinations after every 12 months in the month of July and only those candidates who have completed one year will be eligible for appearing in the examination. This examination can be oral / interview/written test /on job etc under which candidates will pass only if within the given time they have done the job of correct quality. This examination may be carried out by the management by appointed examiners who may be the employee of SIMPLEX or outsiders at the discretion of the management.
8. Service Bond
The candidates are ready to sign the service bond for the minimum period of one year and for any reason what so ever if they do not attend their duty for one year in the grade in which they are appointed, they will be required to return 50% of their stipend money received from the company as a compensation for the money spend by the company for their training.
9. Theory Classes
he candidate will have to attend the duty for 8 hours in workshop, over and above they will have to attend the theory classes organized from time to time, so that they can learn the basics.
10. Passing Out
If the candidates pass out the examination, management may consider them for appointing into next higher grade subject to the availability of the seats and in case of appointment they shall discharge their duties to the full satisfaction of the management